
Forum 2022: Towards a Just Transition - The role of Industrial Policy

Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) will host its Annual Forum on Monday and Tuesday, 1-2 August 2022. The theme is Towards a Just Transition: The Role of Industrial Policy.

The Forum seeks to facilitate knowledge sharing and deepen the understanding of the dynamics of moving towards a Just Transition. It will consider how industrial policy can support and drive structural transformation towards a Just Transition, so that South Africa’s move to a low-carbon economy is inclusive and equitable, and ensures social protection for affected communities and workers.
The Forum offers an opportunity for discussion on the various dimensions of green industrialisation and green industrial policy in the South African context. In doing so, the Forum intends to encourage discussion that considers the challenges and opportunities of pursuing a Just Transition, as well as providing an opportunity to share case studies and international best practices. Lastly, the Forum will provide an opportunity for presenters to highlight the various existing initiatives in South Africa, in the broader context of regional and global value chains.
Calls to diversify and divest from a dependence on coal are growing, and South Africa is under pressure to reduce emissions and accelerate its transition to a low-carbon economy, to meet its goals of the Paris Agreement.  It is important to put in place appropriate policies to drive the transition. The Presidential Climate Commission was established in 2020 to enable policies to support South Africa’s Just Transition. Many of South Africa’s key trading partners support the adoption of low-carbon policies and intend to reduce emissions and impose trade restrictions on carbon-intensive goods. Without fundamental moves toward green manufacturing, South Africa risks losing its global competitiveness and export markets. Efforts by government are important, as they provide a signal to the private sector to encourage investment in building resilient energy systems, sustainable agriculture, green industrialisation, and in reshaping value chains.
The 2022 Forum will discuss these issues and bring together academics, policymakers, civil society organisations, workers and practitioners.
TIPS is partnering with, and receiving financial support for the Forum from, the DSI/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI) based at the University of Johannesburg and the UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT). The Forum will be undertaken in association with the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (the dtic).

Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit an abstract of up to 500 words. To be considered, abstracts should be submitted by Monday 16 May 2022. Authors will be notified of the decision by Friday 27 May 2022. Final papers are due for submission by Friday 22 July 2022. Abstract submissions should include full contact details of the authors.

If you wish to contribute, please submit the title of your paper and the abstract to Daphney Mabuza at TIPS via email to:


The TIPS Forum aims to deepen the understanding of the intersection between Just Transition trajectories and industrial policy. This includes looking at the actions required from industrial policy to support green industries and the development of new technologies and sectors, and to ensure equitable distribution of the costs and benefits.

Submissions are invited on broad themes including:
  • Promoting green and inclusive industrial development.
  • Supporting economic diversification of coal regions.
  • Implementing a Just Transition in various economic value chains, such as electricity, liquid fuels, heavy industry, transport, and agriculture.
  • Financing a Just Transition.
  • Enacting participatory, distributive and restorative justice at global, national and local levels.
  • Monitoring and measuring progress towards a Just Transition.
  • Environmental restoration and economic development.
  • Fostering inclusive business models.
  • Economic development and ownership issues.
  • Just Transition, resilience and climate change adaptation.
  • Economic inclusion and the Just Transition.
  • Labour market dynamics and the Just Transition.
  • Gender and the Just Transition.
  • Technological change and its impact on a Just Transition.
  • Public employment and universal basic income issues.
Broader papers on industrialisation and industrial policy, not directly linked to the theme of the 2022 Forum, will also be considered.
The 2022 TIPS Forum will be held in a hybrid format allowing for both in-person and virtual participation. Please note that we will require that all in-person attendees wear masks throughout the event and provide proof of vaccination.