

  • Year 2014
Project name: Evaluation of South Africa's Integrated Resource Plan Client: National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) Funder: Nedlac Trade and Industry Chamber Duration: 2014 Summary Energy, and electricity issues in particular, have been high on the South African agenda since the 2008 crisis, which saw the country’s national power utility Eskom implement rolling load shedding and cut supplies to a number of large customers, such as mines and minerals beneficiation plants. As South Africa experienced in 2014 the most stringent power cuts since 2008, reviewing the current electricity planning process is both a timely and necessary exercise. This review, based on…

  • Year 2013
Project name: Regulatory Entities Capacity Building: Review of Regulators Orientation and Performance Client: Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg Funder: Economic Development Department Duration: 2013 - March 2014 Summary Effective performance by economic regulators is important for growth and development. In recognition of the importance of their role, the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg has commissioned the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development to undertake a research and capacity building project for economic regulators in South Africa. The Regulatory Entities Capacity Building Project involves a review of the performance of the economic regulators as well as identifying…

  • Year 2013
Project name: The impact of electricty price increases on the competitiveness of selected mining sector and smelting value chains in South Africa  Client: Economic Development Department (EDD) and Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) Funder: Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Duration: 2013-2014 Summary This research project was jointly commissioned by the EDD and the dti. The GGGI was tasked with implementing the project as part of a partnership to support the South African government’s green growth planning efforts. TIPS was the primary research partner and service provider. This project is the result of the collaboration of all of these institutions. The South African…

  • Year 2011
Official project name: Co-ordination and facilitation of the Economic Regulators Conference Client: National Energy Regulator of South Africa Funder: National Energy Regulator of South Africa Duration: August 2011 - August 2012 Summary TIPS was appointed in 2011/2012 to facilitate and co-ordinate the organisation of the first South African Economic Regulators Conference (SAERC) which took place on 21-22 August 2012 on behalf of the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA). In addition to all logistical requirements, TIPS managed the call for papers and was responsible for the selection and quality control of the conference papers. The conference explored the following…

  • Year 2010
Official project name: Alternative Energy Generation for South Africa Client: Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town  Funder: Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town  Duration: 26.04.2010 - 26.07.2010 Summary TIPS, in collaboration with PDG Consulting, carried out a research project in 2010 on alternative energy generation for the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town. The project, which formed part of the Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), included three components. First, TIPS and…

  • Year 2010
Official project name: Financing Needs and Preconditions for the South African Renewables Initiative (SARi) Client: KfW Entwicklungsbank Funder: KfW Entwicklungsbank Duration: 30 August 2010 - 1 December 2010 Summary In 2010, the KfW Entwicklungsbank commissioned a study to determine the feasibility of, and preconditions for, the South African Renewables Initiative (SARi) during the stage of its conceptualisation. Special attention was paid to the role that the German government could play as an international funder of SARi and the implications of this support for the German government, German businesses, and international climate change negotiations. The project highlighted the scope, development and…