Research Archive (597)

From 1 December 2024, South Africa assumed the Presidency of the G20. South Africa has a unique role to play in the G20 process. Its presidency follows that of a troika of other major developing countries: Brazil (2024), India (2023) and Indonesia (2022), and is expected to carry forward and…
The steel value chain has been in a long-term downturn since the mid-2000s. Only the mini mills, which produce long steel, and parts of downstream manufacturing have grown. The new public infrastructure build programme, especially for electricity and rail, should support recovery by boosting domestic demand. It may, however, just…
This research evaluates the progress and outcomes to date from the master plan approach to industrial policy, which was initiated in 2019. To that end, a main report analyses the 10 master plans published as of December 2023 using the theory of change methodology: the automotive industry; poultry sector; retail, clothing,…
The medical devices sector in South Africa is characterised by its complexity and diversity, involving numerous products, companies, and rapid innovation cycles. This sector, despite not being a major employment generator, plays a crucial role in healthcare delivery and offers significant growth potential through both local manufacturing and international investments.…
In late 2023, ArcelorMittal South Africa (AMSA) announced it would close down its long steel unit, including its mill at Newcastle, unless government, its workers and its customers increased their support. In early July 2024, it said it would delay the closure depending, again, on greater support from stakeholders. This…
The central question of this paper and policy brief is: what is the future of the South African petrochemicals and plastics, ammonia, fertiliser, explosives and other chemical value chains of the Secunda petrochemical complex in the light of Sasol’s stated greenhouse gas emission reduction plans and other assessed business constraints? Given…
The European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) entered its transition period on 1 October 2023, with the first CBAM report for the fourth quarter of 2023 submitted on 29 February 2024. Key industries most affected in South Africa are iron, steel and aluminium. The transition period will run for…
Participants in the petroleum industry value chain, represented by the South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA), are currently granted exemption from the Competition Act largely on the basis of ensuring security of supply of petroleum products. This exemption was invoked in 2002 for 18 months to ensure fuel supply security…
The demand for electricity in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region is anticipated to double from 280 terawatt hours (TWh) in 2010 to 570 TWh by 2030. By extension, the region will require significant amounts of electrical equipment, which includes items that are used for generation, conversion, transmission, supply,…
In the face of rising electricity costs, persistent power outages (loadshedding), and the emergence of domestic and international carbon taxes, there has never been a better time for businesses in South Africa to adopt renewable energy (RE) to realise significant savings on their electricity bills, lower their tax liability, secure…
The European Green Deal (EGD) is a set of policy initiatives by the European Union (EU) with the overarching aim of making Europe the first continent to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The purpose of this study is to analyse the implications of the EGD on African trade. The objectives include…
In 2010, South Africa joined the BRICS bloc: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. BRICS is an association of regional powers across four continents, originating from an informal alliance in trade negotiations. So far, members have signed agreements among others on customs, energy efficiency, and tax. They have also…
This Working Paper offers an overview of how governments in the Global South are responding to the EU CBAM, in contrast to responses from developed nations. It examines the background and essential measures of CBAM in relation to the reactions of major transnational groupings and the effects of CBAM on…
This paper examines the potential of a new regional framework for thinking about AGOA. It proceeds in four parts. Part 1 provides an overview of trade under AGOA, examining trends in trade, which products are traded, and profiling the tariff advantages of the programme. Part 2 looks at the bilateral…
South Africa’s vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) value chain currently lies in raw material output, electrolyte production, and locally manufactured balance of plant components. However, there is potential for a more significant role to be played along the value chain. To foster the growth of a domestic VRFB industry, it…
Localisation has become an increasingly important part of South Africa’s industrial policy as articulated by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. At its core, it is a strategy to identify and support sectoral priorities for industrialisation. Those functions are also central to the well-known import-substitution and export-oriented models. The…
CBAM is a key policy tool that forms part of the European Green Deal (EGD) to reduce net GHG emissions across Europe and abroad. Within this context, CBAM can be defined as a carbon border tax on embedded GHG emissions of carbon-intensive products imported into the EU. The main intent…
The United States of America (USA) is South Africa’s second largest single trade partner after China, having imported US$13 billion (about R192 billion) worth of goods in 2021. South Africa’s top five exports to the USA are platinum, motor vehicles, miscellaneous chemical products (some chemicals are used to create monomers and polymers for…
Aluminium is the most used non-ferrous metal worldwide. Its multiple properties (lightweight, non-corrosive, high thermal and electrical conductivity, low density, non-toxic, non-magnetic) make it a versatile multiuse metal. Aluminium is used in various sectors, most prominently in transport, construction, consumer goods, packaging and machinery and equipment. The production of primary aluminium…
This Working Paper analyses the linkages between industrial policy and local economic development planning in South Africa in terms of both economics and governance. It outlines the role of four groups of municipalities in the economy: the largest metros (Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni, Cape Town and eThekwini); the five secondary…
This working paper unpacks the impacts of a transition away from coal on affected communities in South Africa. It takes a multi-layered approach highlighting the economic, social, and environmental impacts coal has had to date and the implications of a transition on communities. Sections 2, 3 and 4 discuss the…
A critical mechanism behind the unusually deep inequality in South Africa is the very small number, by international standards, of small businesses in the country. On the one hand, far fewer people earn livelihoods from their own businesses than in other upper middle-income countries. That fact largely explains South Africa’s…
South Africa’s New Energy Vehicle Transitional Roadmap - Thought Leader Discussion Document: The Route to the White Paper naamsa | The Automotive Business Council has released its electric vehicles strategy, which calls for clear signals from government.  Dowload a copy of read online:  The report builds directly on work by Trade…
The Black Industrialists Policy aims to increase the participation of black South Africans in operational management, rather than just financial ownership, of enterprises in key sectors and value chains. The programme was launched in 2015 by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, supported by the Industrial Development Corporation and…
Small businesses are the engines of a fair and green economy. But they lack access to the finance they need to grow. A new report from the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) looks at the barriers that small business face. These include risky and informal money lending arrangements, high bars for accessing credit, regulatory…
Industrialisation cannot take off without adequate services such as logistics, engineering, finance and security, as well as human and social capital development. Moreover, the service sector generates around two thirds of the GDP and employment, and six out of seven jobs for women. An effective industrial policy, then, should incorporate…
The just transition agenda aims at ensuring that vulnerable stakeholders are not negatively impacted by the transition, but are better off through it. Three key principles underpin the just transition agenda in South Africa. Distributive justice aims to address the direct impacts of the transition, such as the loss of employment and livelihood. Restorative…
The purpose of this paper is to consider how the multiple projects, programmes, measures, initiatives and investments that have been proposed to support a just transition for affected workers and communities in South Africa can be used to inform i) thinking about appropriate context specific codification and tagging; and ii)…
This paper argues that South Africa needs to mainstream climate change into its National Development Plan (and Sustainable Development Goals), by advancing i) climate resilient development  through several pathways, including; ii) South Africa’s Nationally Determined Contribution commitment to a low-carbon economy; iii) renewable energy and transition to a low-carbon economy;…
Support to Industrial Parks and Special Economic Zones for COVID pandemic prevention and response: Enhancing industrial resilience in South Africa. The research for this project comprised three outputs: Work Output 1: Responses of Industrial Parks to COVID-19 and future pandemicsWork Output 2: Technical support to Industrial Parks on COVID-19 economic…
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