
Rob Davies

  • Position: Research Fellow

Rob Davies is a Zimbabwean economist who lives in Harare. He was associated with the University of Zimbabwe for more than 30 years. He has also taught at universities in South Africa, the UK and the US. He is currently an independent researcher and works closely with the South African National Treasury and with TIPS.

His publications include:

  • (forthcoming) “Measuring the Carbon Intensity of the South African Economy”, South African Journal of Economics, (with Channing Arndt, Konstantin Makrelov and James Thurlow)
  • (2012) The Economic Implications of Introducing Carbon Taxes in South Africa, UNU-WIDER Working Paper WP/046 (with Theresa Alton, Channing Arndt, Faaiqa Hartley, Konstantin Makrelov, James Thurlow, and Dumebi Ubogu)
  • (2012) Re-manufacturing Zimbabwe: constraints and opportunities in a dollarized economy Background paper for World Bank Zimbabwe: from economic rebound to sustained growth, Harare, November (with Praveen Kumar and Manju Kedia Shah)
  • (2010) “Formal-Informal Economy Linkages and Unemployment in South Africa”, South African Journal of Economics, 78(4), 437-459 (with James Thurlow)
  • (2005) "Memories of Underdevelopment: a personal account of Zimbabwe's economic decline" in Brian Raftopoulos and Tyrone Savage (eds), Zimbabwe: Injustice and Political Reconciliation, (Institute for Justice and Reconciliation: Cape Town)
  • (2000) Globalization and Sustainable Human Development: Progress and Challenges for Zimbabwe, Occasional Paper, (UNCTAD/UNDP: Geneva) (with A Bhalla, M Chitiga-Mabugu, and R Mabugu)
  • (1993) "Zimbabwe", in Lance Taylor (ed) The Rocky Road to Reform: income distribution, politics and adjustment in the developing world (MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass) (with Jorn Rattso)
  • (1992) "Liberalisation for Development: Zimbabwe's Adjustment without the Fund" in G A Cornia, R van der Hoeven and T Mkandawire, Africa's Recovery in the 1990s: from stagnation and adjustment to human development (Macmillan; Houndsmill), (with David Sanders and Timothy Shaw)
  • (1988) "Adjustment Policies and the Welfare of Children: Zimbabwe, 1980-1985" in A Cornia, R Jolly and F Stewart (eds), Adjustment with a Human Face, Volume 2, (Oxford University Press: Oxford) (with David Sanders)
  • (1979) "Informal Sector or Subordinate Mode of Production: a model?" in R Bromley and C Gerry (eds) Casual Work and Poverty in Third World Cities (John Wiley and Sons: Chichester), 87-104